This is a topic I am split down the middle. I love to text. It is on my terms and does not require being 'available'. Let's be honest, I can text and poop. We all do it; your friends and family members wouldn't know the difference. The same can not be said about pooping with a person listening on the other end. Some people have amazing hearing. I am one of them. A splash of the water and I know you are washing your hands, or at the very least using the water. The same when a certain something splashes in the bottom of the bowl. It is uncomfortable and unnecessary. This is the beauty of cellphones and texting that I did not have growing up. If a crush called, I would have to hold it or call back. Now with cellphones, one can simply poop, text, and do other things. I mention the bathroom because that is where I get creative ideas as my fluids are released. Sorry, but it is a fact. We all human and do it, so get over it. HAHA.
Text messages or voice calls