The end result is all we care about. I want to be rich. I want to be fit. I want to be married. That is the boring part to me. How you got there is the story, triumphant, and perspective that made you 'you.'
Let's start with i want to be rich. The struggle and failure is how you get to where you want to be. The light bulb wasn't made overnight. Facts.
Or losing weight, gaining muscle, or working out in general. All good things. I once was close to 300 lbs and dropped down to 180. That is like the headline. Not the two miles I walked daily to get to work and home. Or, pushing myself that I felt good each workout. The ending is what I want to accomplish, but I just don't get there.
Working on last one. My romantic past is a story in and of itself. The bad dates, drama, BS, or point where I just throw my hands in the air and say nevermind.
All this is to say, my journey isn't what happened at the end but how I got there. The scenic route and lots of perseverance. This is a theme in my work because qhen we tell our story. We inspire others with our pains, struggles, hurt, etc. Not just everyday is great and Instagram perfect. Don't be so quick for the end. We find ourselves and purpose in the journey.